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Discount and Offer Terms and Conditions

Voucher Codes (including Offer Codes) are issued by Insight to selected customers from time to time.

Vouchers and discount offers are valid for the period as specified for the specific offer for which they are issued. They cannot be redeemed retrospectively after the expiry date.

They are redeemable only at time of purchase of products via this website

Only one Voucher / Offer Code may be used per order transaction through the On-line shop

To redeem the Voucher / Offer Code – the voucher / offer code must be entered on the Shop Basket Page (note; voucher / discount codes are not case sensitive)

Any voucher or discount code issued is deemed to have a maximum cash equivalent value of £0.000000001 and therefore cannot be exchanged for cash at any time.

Offers are subject to product availability …and for commercial reasons, a small number of products may be excluded from some general offers – see the Discount Exclusion List for products which may be affected.

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About insight Security
  • It's easy to order from us and we're easy to contact...
    whether you need help or advice before or after you buy
  • Our proven, tried and tested products do what we say...
    which is why we can offer you a 'NO QUIBBLE GUARANTEE'
  • Fast Reliable Service... your goods will normally be delivered within 1 to 3 working days - call us if you need them urgently!
  • All our products are very competitively priced... but more importantly, we believe they offer you the Very Best Value!

...these are just a few of the reasons that most of our customers buy from us regularly and recommend us to friends and peer groups. So buy now with confidence - and join the thousands of happy customers we have helped over the last 30 years... and remember, if you're not sure what you need, or which solution is best for you, our specialist advisors will be pleased to help. Just call us on 01273 475500.